What is Firstfruits?
Throughout Scripture we discover that God places the utmost priority on “the first”. The Bible references first fruits or first things no less than 32 times. “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your increase” (Proverbs 3:9). …
In Genesis Ch 4 scripture records Gods favorable response to Abels offering of his firstborn lamb and His differing response to Cains offering. Old Testament passages places emphasis and worth on the first son, harvest or lamb. Matthew 6:33 tells us that we should seek the Kingdom of God first and then all of our other promises/desires and needs will be met. Paul, in his writings to the Church in Rome (Romans 11:16) writes that if the Firstfruit be holy(referencing Jesus) then the whole lump is holy.
You see, Firstfruits refers to the first portion of ones harvest/increase, that is then presented to God.
Examples of Firstfruits
In the beginning of the year:
First paycheck or first month earned of the year
Throughout the year
First sale made from a new business/venture/endeavor
First check from a new job or from an increase
Your Personal 2025 Declaration
FirstFruits Sunday is March 2nd
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