Our Mission

Help People Live Life ... on Purpose

Core Values

1. Purpose is the Pathway to Impact

2. Building Kingdom-Focused Families

3. Living the Gospel Beyond Words

4. Empowering a Generation of Sons and Daughters

5. Equipping Spiritual Fathers and Mothers

What drives us

Our ministry exists to lovingly guide

our community towards an authentic & growing

relationship with Jesus;

in doing so, helping you to:

discover, define, pursue &

live your lives on purpose.

Our Vision is to create a...

Powerful Atmosphere
We honor God & cultivate a spiritual atmosphere; for miracles, deliverance and power

Prayerful Atmosphere

We believe that prayer helps us maintain intimacy and clarity

Preserving Atmosphere

We value those before us and inspire those behind us

Passionate Atmosphere

With zeal; we approach our faith, our community and where we serve

Philanthropic Atmosphere

We are often at our best when we are generous in our giving

Progressive Atmosphere

We want to see every person progress in their gifting(s), callings and opportunities

Presenting Atmosphere

We accomplish His mission best when the gospel is shared in every corner of the earth

Purposeful Atmosphere

We encourage the discovery and pursuit of individual purpose

emPowering Atmosphere

We seek to: challenge, motivate, revive and liberate God's people

Positive Atmosphere

We embrace others with grace, care, hope and possibility


is meant to lived...

as well as chased

What we believe

Our church believes the whole Bible is the inspired, written Word of God and that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of the Father and through accepting him as our personal savior provides us an inheritance of the eternal Kingdom of God..